Category: Tanks

The British Universal Carrier – Even Used by the Germans!

Jesse Beckett

The Universal Carrier started out in the 1930s as a development by Vickers-Armstrongs to provide a lightweight, highly mobile tracked vehicle capable of carrying a…

Heavy Tank T29 – The US’s Intended Answer to the King Tiger

Jesse Beckett

In regards to tank design, all countries involved in WWII learnt some brutal lessons, but none more so than those facing the Germans. Monstrous vehicles…

Germany’s Deadly Little Tank Destroyer – the Hetzer

Jesse Beckett

The inspiration for the Hetzer started early in the Second World War, when Germany began mounting large, powerful guns on modified light tanks that were…

Jagdtiger – the Definition of Overkill

Jesse Beckett

The World War Two menace, the Jagdtiger, earned two reputations during its short career from September 1944 to May 1945; one of a fearsome tank…

The Panzer IV – Germany’s Armored Workhorse

Jesse Beckett

The German Panzerkampfwagen IV medium tank, abbreviated to PzKpfw IV, Pz. IV, or T-IV and mostly referred to as Panzer IV, was a true workhorse…

4 American Cold War Tanks – Part 2

Jesse Beckett

Part 1 explored the US tanks used in the early stages of the Cold War, during the immediate aftermath of the Second World War. Most…

4 American Cold War Tanks – Part 1

Jesse Beckett

Before the Cold War, the Second World War saw tank designs rapidly improve between 1939 and 1945, as all sides had heavily integrated tanks into…

StuG Found on Polish Riverbed – Was Running a Year Later

Jesse Beckett

On the 18th January 1945, German forces were retreating westward with the 1st Belorussian Front hot on their heals. Part of this retreat was two…

Tiger Tank Seen Roaming Around English Town

Ian Handley-Kershaw

A German Tiger I tank roamed the hill beside St. Fergus Church in Wick, Caithness, UK. The World War II-era tank was actually a remote…

The M24 Chaffee – Cute but Deadly

Jesse Beckett

The M24 Chaffee light tank was named after the U.S Army General Adna R. Chaffee Jr, who is considered to be the father of the…

U.S. Army May Replace M2 Bradley: 21st Century Tech A Part Of New Vehicles

There is irony in the fact that countries around the world spend sizable fortunes on something they hope to never need or use: military equipment…

Carmel Armored vehicle is More Than an Xbox on Tracks

When looking at the Carmel, one would never believe that it resembles your average teenager’s bedroom. After all, it has tank tracks, has a body…